Anyway, he did get out the dreaded scope but Matt had taken one of his happy pills so was able to get through it okay. But Matt then said he
thought it was only fair that he, Matt, get to scope Doogie - ha! What a great sport - check him out as he is "about to get scoped..."

There are now 3 more follow-ups scheduled: a June one with Dr. Oa (med-oncologist, and that should be the last with her...really just making sure the chemo is done in Matt's body and his blood counts are back to normal), then a July PET scan as well as July f/up (3 months out again) with Doogie.
The mouth surgery healing still kind of sucks - the infection was pretty deep, but the check-ups with Dr. Ha have been okay and the antibiotics seem to be working so far. We definitely can tell that Matt's body/mouth is not healing as fast as pre-radiation. But slowly and surely...
So that's the update for the moment....