On the Matt-front: We had been getting a little anxious as while the oxygen treatments are easy, we hadn't really known if they are working and if they weren't, it spelled trouble for Matt. However Matt did see Dr. Ha yesterday and good news: the infection seems to be waning (and Matt is off antibiotics at long last!) and the hole seems to be closing up a bit.
Matt still has a-ways to go and the hyperbaric dr. is still predicting he may need a bone graft - but we are going to stay positive. Two more weeks and we'll know a little bit more about next steps. Treatment will be for at least 4 to 8 more weeks....It is definitely putting a crimp in his work day however, to say the least.
The one other chemo side effect I haven't really written about has been the growing impact neuropothy is having on Matt's activity. You will have to look up the definition yourself but it is essentially a nervous system effect, and Matt's feet and hands tingle and feel numb, on and off, all day. Kind of like having frostbite. There are some days and moments when it is actually pretty painful - almost like razor blades to the bottom of your feet or fingertips. He saw a neurologist the other day who didn't seemed to be terribly concerned but it is slowing Matt down quite a bit. It is very likely due to the Cisplatin but is predicted to wear off eventually. The frustrating piece is not knowing when it will peak (ergo how bad it is going to get) and thus when it will go away - it could be days, weeks or months. Yucko.
Matt is doing a couple different things to try to help control it, including acupuncture, vitamins, hot baths, etc. Hard to tell what works best - stay tuned! Also he has photos from the acupuncturist - we will post those this weekend....