Monday, February 28, 2011

March 1: Neuropathy Getting Better

Just a quick update, here end of February.

Matt's regular check up went well, and his neuropathy is also improving (not so bad/reactive). He is still on super high doses of the neutron-stuff-drug, but Cathy is hoping that might get to come down in the next month or so? He has permission from Medica to get down to Mayo to confer with a neurologist who is evidently an expert with Cisplatin-induced neuropathy so that is one of his to-do's. He is taking a ton of vitamins - B12, A and D and more - this per recommendation of his primary dr. who has done research on this kind of neuropathy, and we think that is helping too.

The other big update is that he is officially unemployed - having been laid off from Street Fleet as of January 31. It is not unexpected and Cathy says it's a TOTALLY POSITIVE THING. They were so great all through the cancer crap but the time has come for him to move on, so moving on he is! It is one of the reasons we think he is truly feeling better on the feet/hand front. Lot's more time to rest and recoup.

So, more later....once he gets down to Mayo. Stay tuned....

1 comment:

  1. Hi, folks: Just read the March blog and I am so happy to learn about the progress on the neuropathy front. Also, I agree that it may be someting of a blessing in disguise to find somthing new for the long haul.
