Here are our LUNGS and NECK/THROAT updates, FYI:
- Lungs: Matt had his 3-month chest scan and happily, the various spots mostly look "similar" or "unchanged." However, Dr. M says she wants him to get another scan in another 3 months time due to the nature of "this kind of cancer." Huh. We were thinking another one maybe in 6 months or a year...It all evidently bears watching - so I guess watch it we will.
- Throat/Neck: We also met with Dr. W (Doogie) as follow-up to the tonsillectomy. Matt's throat is healing nicely (you all are SO glad I refused to post the photos he had me take of his throat a couple days after surgery. Talk about gross.) and while we discussed with him our concerns about swelling of the throat during radiation - and its potential, subsequent impact on Matt's ability to sleep - he does not seem to be too terribly concerned. He also said he does not think prescribing steroids again (which really helped) should be a problem, but he will confer with Dr. H at Methodist. I think, net net, that so many of the side effects will be dependant on how Matt's body reacts to the radiation. While they most likely will not be worse than that which Matt experienced via the tonsillectomy (the throat part/pain anyway) they maybe, hopefully??!, will be slightly better. Hard to predict right now so we are just trying to be prepared. He is also going to hook us up with a registered dietitian which Cathy is excited about. How to keep Matt fat and happy and healthy during multiple weeks of throat pain is going to be a challenge.
One other quick Dr. W note: We won't see Doogie again until one month after the radiation is complete. Matt will get another PET scan at that time, essentially establishing a baseline - and after that appointment they will then connect about every three months for at least one year, maybe 2. Then it goes to once every six months until we hit the magic number of five years. Just get us there, puhleeze! Matt is bummed he can't wear the, what he calls, "cancer-free" yellow t-shirt until then. Lance - where are you when we need you?! Geez....
So that was Monday and Tuesday. I tell Matt I swear I am going to give him a calendar solely for cancer-appointments....but then we realized, his calendar now-a-days is essentially a cancer calendar. Thanks team-Streetfleet!!!!!