Yesterday it took me 1 1/2 hours to get home (including the Rainbow stop for italian ices, vanilla ice cream, etc.) given the stupid snow and wind.
Madalyn came over for dinner which was fab - we haven't seen her in a week - and I think that really cheered Matt up.
Then, she left around 10pm and called 7 minutes later - in a ditch off highway 494. OMG. She is okay, and the car (Chapin's Passat) is okay - she actually picked a perfect spot to spin out we concluded. The car's tires were shot - which we knew - but they had not been replaced (which we had been asking about for MONTHS) and given the black ice on the road - it was almost inevitable that something like this would happen. We tried to take a photo to document (we are in that mode as you all know!) - not sure you can really tell but here it is.

I called AAA (god I love them) and met her by the highway where not one but two tow trucks awaited, plus a state trooper - it was all good. It took quite awhile to get the car out of the ditch given its angle but eventually it came out and we arranged for the dude to tow the car to the nearest discount tire place. New tires are going on even as I type. Drove Mam to her mom's, then back home in the bed around 12:30pm.
Another rough night for Matt - the steroids are starting to wear off or something, and he has also developed a nasty cough which isn't too great in general, and for sure is rough on his throat. It is really depressing right about now, again. Argh.
But hey - woke this morning and was mentally preparing to go outside to shovel the driveway (which in theory I don't mind but wasn't looking really that forward to it 'cause I was tired and it was still cold and blowing) and GOD BLESS OUR NEIGHBORS: Jeff from next door had already been over and cleared our driveway! Wasn't that so nice?! So maybe today will be better. :-)
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