Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Yet Another Day, and More Waiting

I keep thinking daily or semi-daily posts are kind of ridiculous - we all have lives don't we? And yet for Matt and I right now, it truly is one-day-at-a-time and each day brings something new. Can you say exhausting?

Yesterday we got a chance to connect with Dr. W, our quarterback, and fill him in on the Mayo visit and talk next steps. Not much to say really. He has not received the notes yet from Mayo but he took a 'feel' of Matt's tonsils as well (Matt says it wasn't half so aggressive as Dr. O) and says yes he feels something but it is REALLY small and could be a nodule or something. He says we all really want the tonsils out and heavy-duty pathology done right away. We agree!

It turns out there was a bit of a scheduling snafu and Matt is calling on the tonsillectomy this morning to confirm he can get in on Friday - if not, we have to wait until next Friday - argh. Happily, it is an in-and-out/same day procedure so no more hospital stays - yeah. He says it will take at least a week and a half for Matt's throat to heal.

We also did talk treatment: we will be going back to Dr. H at Methodist once the pathology report is back, for a consult with him about the extent of the radiation therapy needed. While we hold out only a slim hope right now for no radiation, at least we can consider a more modified approach that isn't going to impact Matt's mouth...But we are FINALLY learning not to project out too far on that front. We just won't know until the report on the tonsils are back, and Dr. H has had a chance to review.

So...more waiting. I will post when we know about the tonsillectomy; the pathology reports will be available (in theory) the Tuesday after the surgery, FYI.

1 comment:

  1. What an ordeal for you both!! Keeping everything crossed that the tonsillec and biopsy go well--- please let me know if I can help u in any way! Take good care.... xo L
