Friday, December 11, 2009

He Sleeps

Friday morning: Matt sleeps! He is getting up to at least 4 hours at a chunk now - yipee skippy. I think we have turned the corner and am not even going to knock on wood. :-) He is still on major pain meds and living on Italian ice, but things are looking good.

The dogs sleep too (and they asked to be in the blog today) - Sogra sacks out in Matt's chair, and Argos is just basically zonked, on the couch. Check 'em out.

I don't think we will have much to report for a couple days now. Our next step is an appointment with Dr. H, radiology-oncology, at Methodist. Dr. W's office just told us to call ourselves, when Matt is feeling better, to set up our next consult with him. We won't be doing any treatment until Matt's throat is healed and that will be a couple more weeks. So I am guessing we will call on Monday. That appointment will help us learn what kind of treatment is recommended - we continue to hold out hope that that will be modified radiation of Matt's neck only, and no chemo. We will let you all know when we know!

Thanks again to all for the e-mails, texts, prayers and all. Stay warm (for our Midwest friends!); stay safe.


  1. Hey Cathy!
    Carolyn and I are thinking of you both. Glad we don't have the snow you do. We get a week of in the teens and it's the end of the world. We'll talk soon.

  2. Hi Cath-
    Sounds like you and Matt are maintaining your senses of humor, despite the uncomfortable circumstances... bravo to you both! Hoping the next stage of treatment is far less painful for Matt and allows you both more sleep.
