We don't want to jinx anything but thought we should report out that Matt is actually feeling pretty darn good, considering. You would not leap to the conclusion the guy is going through both radiation and chemotherapy by just looking at him, that's for sure. This past weekend he was positively perky. Our mantra of the month: every day without barfing is a GOOD day and then some!
The skin on his neck/cheek has improved - the rash has subsided and the sensitivity has died down...The hair loss has slowed down for the moment (but is expected to ratchet back up after next week)...The inside of his mouth and throat are a little more sore, and he gets some painful jabs when he talks and/or swallows - but in general, he is feeling good (still going in to work for half days - wow!) and is still very self-functioning. His taste/the taste buds are kind of coming and going; currently he is going through a phase where water tastes like vegetable oil and grape juice like nectar - go figure. However he is still eating 'normal' food and has kept his weight up nicely which the drs are pleased about.
Monday is chemotherapy treatment #2 and given Matt's reaction to number one, we are hopeful that - with the help of all those lovely anti-nausea drugs, Prilosec, etc. etc. (see above photo!) - next week will be only a little tougher than that first one. We will let you know. We had an appointment with Dr. Lorrie (medical oncologist) today and his blood work was checked in preparation for Monday and all looks good/normal. White blood cell count is down, but not too bad and that's only to be expected with treatment. He picked up his chemo drug cornucopia today (photo above) so we are all set....
I wonder what movie we will watch - they have LCD TVs with DVD players in the chemo rooms. Is that perfect or what?! :-)
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