Sunday, February 21, 2010

Only 10 more radiations and 1 chemo to go!

Not that we are counting down or anything...

There isn't much to report out on - Matt is doing remarkably well . . . I kind-of don't want to write more because I don't want to jinx anything!

More later this week....

1 comment:

  1. Matt,

    I was wondering if you saw the news last week that George Karl (Denver Nuggets Coach) has been diagnosed with SCC of the right tonsil. The interesting thing is that it has generated several national pieces online, CNN and NYT for example, about head and neck cancers and particularly the rapid increase in HPV related cases. One of the articles talked about the big gap in 5 year survival rates between patients who underwent treatment for viral tumors (over 80%)versus those with traditional, nonviral cancers (40-50%).

    Glad to hear you're still doing well.
